2 yabba Aug 01, 2007 19:33

balupton forgot a link to the download of the Avatar plugin. His plugin can be found in [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=9210&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=]The forum topic on this plugin[/url].
Edit: it is where it should be
On my blog, for all posts that contain some release, page 2 contains the download stuff... I've updated all my posts to reflect that (with a nice little contents thing on the first page). Or have I completely gone crazy :S
I am very sorry, must have had the same thing in my eye as Basarow.
Hehe, don't worry, stopping these types of problems is what makes a good developer/designer/whatever. Knowing about these problems relies on a good user :)
Hm, still something's wrong: When I click the linked name "Gallery Plugin" I'm send here :
But that's the threat about this plugin, not a download-section.
Yeah then click the moved here link, and you are taken to it's proper post. I will get someone with power to change the links in the plugins listing.
Ah, okay, got it, thanks.
I'm assuming you mean on the plugins section of this site, in which case you normally find that the "name" of the plugin is linked to the download ...... intuitive huh? :roll: