2 stk Aug 01, 2007 20:58

and they say the yanks have no sense of sarcasm :D
.... now do the bloody writeup before I'm forced to fluff :|
Hi ¥åßßå,
Version 1.9.1 displays the second <title> in b2evo-2.4.2 and they both from "auto_pilot". Another problem is in backoffice, plugin's fieldset is broken.
Does it actually support 2.4.x version?
Never mind, I fixed the fieldset and titles
Ohh yeah, I must get round to fixing the styles in admin ... but it works well enough for me and I thought I was the only one who used it ;)
It's not for me, sorry ;)
Here is the backoffice part
function AdminDisplayItemFormFieldset( $params )
if( 'edit_layout' == 'simple' )
return null;
$Form = $params[ 'Form' ];
$Form->begin_fieldset( 'AM Custom', array( 'class' => 'fieldset' ) );
<div id="itemform_am_custom_title">
<label for="am_custom_title"><strong><?php echo $this->T_('Title') ?>:</strong><br />
<input type="text" name="am_custom_title" class="large form_text_input" id="am_custom_title" value="<?php echo format_to_output( $this->title, 'formvalue' ); ?>" maxlength="500" />
<div id="itemform_am_custom_keywords">
<label for="am_custom_keywords"><strong><?php echo $this->T_('Keywords') ?>:</strong><br />
<input type="text" name="am_custom_keywords" class="large form_text_input" id="am_custom_keywords" value="<?php echo format_to_output( $this->keywords, 'formvalue' ); ?>" maxlength="500" />
<div id="itemform_am_custom_description">
<label for="am_custom_description"><strong><?php echo $this->T_('Description') ?>:</strong><br />
<textarea name="am_custom_description" rows="4" cols="25" class="large" id="am_custom_description"><?php echo format_to_output( $this->description, 'formvalue' ); ?></textarea>
<div id="itemform_am_custom_css">
<label for="am_custom_css"><strong><?php echo $this->T_('CSS') ?>:</strong><br />
<textarea name="am_custom_css" rows="2" cols="25" class="large" id="am_custom_css"><?php echo format_to_output( $this->css, 'formvalue' ); ?></textarea>
<div id="itemform_am_custom_meta">
<label for="am_custom_meta"><strong><?php echo $this->T_('Other custom items in <head>') ?>:</strong><br />
<textarea name="am_custom_meta" rows="2" cols="25" class="large" id="am_custom_meta"><?php echo format_to_output( $this->meta, 'formvalue' ); ?></textarea>
if( $this->Settings->get( 'allow_script' ) )
echo '<div id="itemform_am_custom_script">
<label for="am_custom_script"><strong>'.$this->T_('Javascript').':</strong><br />
<textarea name="am_custom_script" rows="2" cols="25" class="large" id="am_custom_script">'.format_to_output( $this->script, 'formvalue' ).'</textarea>
BTW I think the javascript checkbox was checked and disabled by default :)
Cool, I'll have a play with that when I get a chance ;)
I could have sworn that js was disabled completely by default ... guess I need to look at that as well :p
'defaultvalue' => 1, // WARNING : Enable this at your own risk
'type' => 'checkbox',
'disabled' => true,
Boy, you sure can tell that your link love and kindly praises are in direct proportion to the amount of beer you've consumed. :-/
Seeing as how I'm in the middle of an oil change (just came in to scour the internet for the correct filter, as the wankers at the auto parts place, gave me the wrong one), your [url=http://hilltopmarine.lakecumberlandboating.com]Front Page Post Plugin[/url] is hampering ability to fluff for cash, Rachel and the Oop are due back on the ferry any moment (was delayed, summat about a bomb threat) ... and gawd know how many other 1/2-completed projects there are lying about the place (let alone our own blog) .... fat chance it'll happen soon.
Tho, I like the "please hold" bit, you cantankerous git ... as people on these forums have been BANNED for slightly more. 8|
Good thing you're eating now. (You really need a breathalizer to operate yer keyboard). :p