2 afwas Aug 02, 2007 11:22

Yeah, I think I'm seeing how it can be done without too much pain, upon further study, even if I think the design is a bit flawed. My goal is not to touch any source code anywhere, so that we could upgrade in the future without incident should we need to.
English is the default language, so English is embedded in various places for translation to respond to. You've probably already noticed that eh?
I believe the thing you want to do is feed the "content()" function the correct parameters to change that text. LOTS of stuff can be changed by feeding the function parameters, and I'm quite sure that "read more" can be changed that way. As can the text that shows up on the permalink page, and all sorts of other details about the "read more" feature.
My sig file will point you to the technical documents for either 1.9.* or 1.10.* generations, so follow the correct one to find what the parameters are to address what you want to do. Also you might want to search for "read more" and put my forum name in the author field because I'm certain I've answered this with all the needed info in the past. I'm too lazy to do it right now is the thing.
Sorry for not having a full working answer for you, but here's hoping this helps you find the answer you need!
For your own blog you can just hack the code, but that is not future proof, you'd have to go through it again next update.
Find in the docs the entry about internationalization. There is a dummy language file available (.pot or .po or something) that you can edit to your wishes.
Luckily for you B2evo is open source and so you can change it anyway you want.
Good luck