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- would like have a plugin similar to clickcomments
1 daniel Aug 06, 2007 10:08

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x
I´m very dissatisfied with the PostReach ClickComments plugin (see http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=12206) and that´s why I give it a try to ask around if anybody feels like doing it better...
With PostReach ClickComments (http://postreach.com/static/clickcomments) you add a small iframe below every posting, where the visitors are able to give you sort of comments without writing anything. They not even need to leave their name, email adress, or something like that... and they don´t need to write anything. Just by clicking on the small buttons, with different meanings, they comment your posting... like "cool stuff", "inspired me", "great find" and so on...
In general I found this idea very nice... but trying out this external plufin for a while, I have more problems than it helps me.
1) It slows down my blog!
2) Even when this plugin is available I can´t get it working in my language. It´s still in English and the support ist not answering my notifications...
3) Firefox is displaying the ClickComments addon fine in the same font as the rest of my blog. IE6 does display it in Times New Roman...
4) and besides 1) the orst of all: the icons are ugly and not self-explaining. I would like too choose better ones... easier to understand.
I think in general at least the rating plugin is from the technical point of view similar. There I can click on something after what I see immediately the result without reloading the complete page or something like that.
So, is anybody interested in such a plugin and willing and competent enough to realize it? I think a real self installed b2evo plugin would be easier to modify (e.g. for your own language and/or icons) and would be much faster because it´s then hosted on your own webspace. In addition to that, perhaps it would also be possible to have some statistics...
So, that should be all for now... anyone have enough potential and too much time?