1 daniel Aug 16, 2007 09:22
3 yabba Aug 16, 2007 16:05
Also this bit :
$posttitle = $Item->title();// will echo the title
$postlink = $Item->permanent_url();//will echo the url
should be :
$posttitle = $Item->title;
$postlink = $Item->get_permanent_url();
4 daniel Aug 16, 2007 16:13
No, it´s not really helping...
At the position I want to have the icon or the rating thing, the following text appears "Überteuerter Schnickschnackhttp://www.chaoszone.de/blog/webnews.php/2007/08/16/ueberteuerter_schnickschnack" plus the icon with the link to "http://yigg.de/neu?exturl=&exttitle="... not exactly what I want :'(
Then I tried the following only to see what happens:
if( file_get_contents($file,'r')>=1 )
{ echo 'ok'; }
else { echo 'not ok'; }
(of course with the rest of the code untouched...) and now I see the following result: "Überteuerter Schnickschnackhttp://www.chaoszone.de/blog/webnews.php/2007/08/16/ueberteuerter_schnickschnacknot ok"
I don´t know why... but I have to do something different with the definition of the first two variables I think,... this way it´s not working at all... any more ideas?
5 daniel Aug 16, 2007 16:14
Hey GREAT ¥åßßå, this is working.... super!
I can't check or test run anything based on your code, but if you needed to append (dot =) the complete url to $postlink, I presume the original $postlink is blank.
right after <?php and add some debug echo's to follow the content of the variables..
I am afraid it's something more difficult than this, but perhaps it gets you on your way B)
Good luck