I'd love to use the blogskin at http://www.blogskins.com/info/155406 on the blogger at my website.
I've got b2evolution installed on my server by my webhost provider and need to know if I can replace their b2evolution skins/templates with this blogskin.
If so, can someone please walk me through what to do (keeping in mind that I'm not very blogskin-savvy!)?
Thanks in advance for your help
The skin you are pointing at is specific for the Blogger blog. That'sa different brand and you cannot get it to work on B2evo.
The only thing you could do is edit an existing B2evo skin to look like your favorite as much as possible. Tis is not easy though and will take even an experienced skinmaker quite some time.
Have a look at the [url=http://skins.b2evolution.net/]skincollection from B2vo[/url] and [url=http://www.b2evoskins.com/index.php?blog=5]here[/url].
Good luck