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1 Aug 24, 2007 20:34    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

I've read through all of the flickr threads I can find on the boards and I'm still stuck. I just upgraded to 1.10.2. I have my site set up in flickr as a MetaWeblogAPI, and I added a default category to my _advanced.php config file. When I do a test post within flickr, it tells me the post failed, but in my posts list I see a blank post in the default category. I can't figure out why it would be making a post but ignoring the picture information, or why flickr seems to think that the posts are failing. I even tried paring the flickr layout down to the bare bones:

<a href="{photo_url}"><img src="{photo_src_m}" /></a>
<br />

Any suggestions? My site is here:

3 Aug 25, 2007 04:50

I have already tried everything I found when I searched the forums for flickr. I made this post as a last resort since I could not find anything that worked.

5 Aug 25, 2007 14:12

WTF, I tried using the BloggerAPI before and it didn't work, but now it seems to work with a minimal flickr layout. I think that adding the "default post category" line to the config file may have fixed it, I hadn't tried the BloggerAPI setup since I added that.

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