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1 Aug 25, 2007 04:43    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hi, I'm trying to find out how to add some extra blank lines within a blog post.



But my usual method (<br>) won't work. Any ideas?

2 Aug 25, 2007 11:37

Try disabling the AutoP plugin,
or encapsulating the <br /> tags within a div like:

<br />
<br />

Or a few empty paragraphs. like:


3 Sep 01, 2007 19:18

Or you could add something like this:

		b2evoButtons[b2evoButtons.length] = new b2evoButton(
				,'SEP', ''
				,'<div class="sep"></div>',''
				,'<?php echo T_('Add a vertical SEParator between items') ?>'

to your _quicktags.plugin.php file, which will add a button in your editor to insert a DIV with a class of "sep".

Then add something like this to your stylesheet:

.sep {clear:both;margin-bottom:30px;}

Adjust the margin to how much of a space you actually want. Depending on your specific blog style and how you tend to structure your posts, you might find that using a "height" works better than using a "margin"

Anyway, this method will ensure that your whitespace is always uniform wherever you use it.


4 Sep 02, 2007 00:27

The only thing I would add to jibberjab's "button" suggestion is that the sep div should include an "&nbsp;" to prevent having empty div or p tags.

If you don't want to add a hack to the quicktags plugin you could just add the new .sep to your CSS and where you want a large break simply include

<p class="sep">&nbsp;</p>

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