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1 Aug 27, 2007 06:09    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

Is there a way to convert a Wordpress theme/template/skin/whatever it is...for use with B2?

I haven't found anything directly on this, but I assume there is a way since everything is just a bunch of php and html anyway. Right, or am I totally wrong? I'm new at b2 skin customizations but I'm learning. Is there any documentation or information someone could advise me of?


2 Aug 27, 2007 13:06

A Wordpress skin is like any other site you want to convert to B2evo. That 'bunch of PHP' from a Wordpress is totally different from a bunch of PHP that makes a B2evo blog.
In general, the HTML and CSS stuf comes in handy, because that only needs some tweaking (still a job).

This page: [url=]Create a new skin[/url] is about the pieces of code you need to integrate in the framework from Wordpress.

Do give it a try and if you have any question on your way, ask in this forum

Good luck

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