2 afwas Aug 30, 2007 22:28

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered
Hi Afwas,
Big thanks! I am already one step closer, but not qite there.
I get now into the back end and see my content, but it still wont be displayed.
Any clue for me?
ups, i was actually replying to my previouse topic :oops:
Don't know why it ended up as a new toppic
I am extremely sorry for ' spaming '
fixed. carry on :) this is the right place, yes?
Execution of (home/liquiib3/www.liquid-fire.info/liquidfire/blog/blogs/index.php) is not permitted for the following reason:
Script is group writable.
Apparently index.php is group writable, which CGIWrap does not like. Change permissions of that file to 644 (rw-r--r--) for example and try again.
Gosh, You guys Rock! ;P Thanks a bunch!
Nice to see everything is working (again).
Happy blogging
If your host moved the database correctly there is no need to (re) run ../install/index.php.
What happens in this case, the install program tries to put the anti-spam terms into the database, but they are already there.
What you should do is the following:
Check the file ../blogs/conf/_basic_conf.php In it you find entries about the database:
check if this corresponds with the new settings from your host.
If the file is correct, or you uploaded a correction, you can run the blog without any other action from your side.
Good luck