2 jibberjab Aug 31, 2007 20:03

Bueller? Bueller?
Can you redo the link or tell me which skin it is you want us to help you with? In http://onlinefast.org/v4/index.php?blog=2&skin=custom this view, do you mean the gray spot left of the photograph where the banner text:
Faculty notes
Papers, honoraria, seminars,etc.
I think the problem is just that the banner image isn't wide enough. that skin is designed to show/hide the banner image based on how wide the browser window is. Just make the banner image wider... say... 2000 pixels wide, and you should be safe even for the crazies like me with super-wide resolutions.
For a reasonable effect you can look for this line in ../blogs/skin/YOURSKIN/stylesheet.css:
#header {
background: #eee url('img/banner_mountains.jpg') no-repeat right top;
and change 'right' to 'left'. But I agree with jibberjab that redoing the picture and making it wider is a better option.
Good luck
Thanks folks, I'll try it!