2 austriaco Sep 05, 2007 00:39

I removed the pictures. Still the problem.
I had a quick look and got the impression that your using .bsideItem in your left column.... I think this, with a few other issues is causing conflict.
You really have to get specific about the ID's for your columns, be they left , middle or right.
As it is now. you have a bSideItem div on the left column as well as the right column.
Your first div in the left column is lbSideitem however your next grouping is bSideItem.
Basic housekeeping with CSS
It's looking better than it did earlier :)
hi slamp,
I did the nifty corners skin for Favorista to show how you can change a two column layout into a three column. The Favorista skin is the result and you can still download it from [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=12153&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=]the original post[/url]. Do have a look, parts of it are annotated.
Perhaps tomorrow I will find some time helping you with your skin.
Good luck
Thanks for the help.
I found the problem, in _main.php I changed
<div id="bSideBar"> to <div class="bposts">
<div id="bposts"> to <div class="bposts">
What's the difference between div id and div class ?
Now I should update the margin and the padding, I will reduce a little the larger (it's 20 pixels too large for 1024 screens), and I will populate the left side bar.
I have a lot of ideas and too many time >:(
slamp wrote:
What's the difference between div id and div class ?
In general: if you want to point to one item, use id, if you want to a group of items, use class.
When styling, class is preferred. You only *need* id if you use javaScript.
So 'posts' is definitely a class, but 'post number 15' would be an id.
Good luck
I reread your post. If this was the problem then you should look at the corresponding css. An id is called through '#' and a class is called through '. '
So you have:
div#15 {
// <div id="15">
div.15 {
// <div class="15">
You were right Afwas, the problem was at the corresponding css.
Anyway, I got a demo of a 3 colonns skin based on crystal Glass : http://s150188918.onlinehome.fr/blogs/ (It's a little too large for 1024 screens, I will try to reduce it, before releasing it)
Ps: it's a french blog about raiding in world of warcraft.
Well done, slamp.
Everything seems perfectly aligned. It looks nice this way.
Try putting a <br /> inmediately after the first figure you have in the left bar:
So that the second figure goes below, not besides the first.