2 fredsy Sep 06, 2007 02:40

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x
Hi there!
I've been having trouble with Technorati picking up my latest blog posts. It was working a month ago and now it's not. I'm using Pingomatic and the core b2evo pinging systems, plus manual pings from Technorati - plus I use Feedburner to ping as well.
I asked for help at Technorati and this is what they told me:
It seems that our spiders are having difficulty find your feed to help index
your blog. Currently you have the below Atom feed associated to your blog
However, I believe that it should actually be more like:
Please try updating your Atom feed URL to the above and pinging Technorati again.
I don't know what I should be editing in my b2evo files, or where.
Any help would be really really appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
For anyone who is interested, the problem was solved due to replacing some bad links in my blog pages.