2 john Sep 05, 2007 11:07

Hi John,
Thanks for the reply.
That is what I intend to do, but I have not been able to find that code.
When I make a complete search for that text string in all B2evo files, it comes up with - nothing - :(
Even when I search only for: name="post_title" - still nothing !
I search in these files: *.htm;*.html;*.php:*.css
Have made the search in Coffecup HTML editor AND in Homesite 5.5
And still found nothing :(
Is there something here that I am missing ?
inc/view/items/_item.form.php ( approx 102 ) :
$Form->text_input( 'post_title', $post_title, 48, T_('Title'), array('maxlength'=>255) );
inc/view/items/_item_simple.form.php ( approx 114 ) :
$Form->text_input( 'post_title', $post_title, 48, T_('Title'), array('maxlength'=>255) );
Perfect !
Thanks alot :D
no worries ;)
I suggest you simply find the code for the Admin and edit the input field by changing the maxlength.
I'm sorry but I don't have the time to find that file but it will be in there somewhere.