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1 Sep 09, 2007 23:40    

On installation I deleted all files from my server, however...
when I go to the "plugins" section of the "dashboard" I find that old plugins are listed but with a "this plugin is broken" icon in the first colums, nothing in the "Group" column and a "no desc available" in the Description column.

My questions are...
1. How did these plugins get included after a fresh install
2. Should I delete these "broken" plugins
3. Is there a "one trick pony" v2.0 fix for these previous version plugins

2 Sep 09, 2007 23:53

1) They reside in the database (at least references to the plugin are in the database) -- I believe.
2) You can try to uninstall. This might not work with the plugin not available. Therefore you may want to upload the original plugin even if you don't want to use it.
3) You can upload the plugin, uninstall / install again and see which ones work with 2.0 and which ones don't.

*edit* yes, the class Plugins puts basic info in the database and you can tick the red uninstall button to delete this info (uninstall the plugin). There is no need to have a copy of the original plugin available.

Good luck

3 Sep 09, 2007 23:56

Thanks Afwas.... I'll give answer 2 and 3 a spin later on.

4 Sep 10, 2007 03:14


Plugins is what's keeping me from updating my production blog... haven't tested it on my test server yet, still updating some skins to 2.0

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