2 afwas Sep 12, 2007 18:49

Thanks for your reply.
What I was looking for was a way to make a standalone direct access PHP file which would be very simple and only shows the latest post from a specific blog.
Your advice would mean that I had to edit the _main.php file for that specific blog skin - would'nt it ? A solution I can't use, cause I need my blog skin as it is now.
By the way...
Check backoffice -> Blog settings -> YOUR BLOG -> Display and set Posts/Days per page: to 1.
Where do I find this setting ?
You could use a simple RSS parser, fetch your RSS feed and display only the last item. One such very simple software is lastRSS (http://lastrss.oslab.net/).
The setting Afwas mentions is in App Settings -> General for your b2evo version. I think maybe Afwas is already using 2.0.0 where you can set number of posts per page on an individual blog basis (awsome, btw) :)
Check backoffice -> Blog settings -> YOUR BLOG -> Display and set Posts/Days per page: to 1.
Good luck