2 fplanque Sep 23, 2007 00:35

I turned on php5 and the error disappeared, but the "Array" part stayed.
If I checked the same widget and use it on the horizontal version, it is fine, as the container does not allow showing of the widget name.
It now appears that "Array" is or should've been the widget's default name, say "Public Blog List". And under php4, the notice error appears.
Hmm... now that I re-read it, I think I set my php5 php.ini to now show the errors...
In anycase, it appears if the widget is shown on a container where widget-titles/names are shown.
At least from my observation.
Crack open inc/widgets/model/_widget.class.php and find the following section of code ( approx 542 )
* List of collections/blogs
* @param array MUST contain at least the basic display params
function disp_coll_list( $filter = 'public' )
* @var Blog
global $Blog;
echo $this->disp_params['block_start'];
$this->disp_title( $this->disp_params, T_('Blogs') );
echo $this->disp_params['list_start'];
and change it to this :
* List of collections/blogs
* @param array MUST contain at least the basic display params
function disp_coll_list( $filter = 'public' )
* @var Blog
global $Blog;
echo $this->disp_params['block_start'];
$this->disp_title( T_('Blogs') );
echo $this->disp_params['list_start'];
hope it gets added to 2.0.2 ^_^
Looks very much like a PHP bug to me. Please try upgrading PHP.