2 austriaco Sep 17, 2007 12:05

Including "virtual" names?
The "URL stub name" of b2evo are virtual names, not really a "filename".
I can change my stub "filenames" to any variation of cases but it won't affect the virtual name. If I'm not mistaken, even without stub "files", you can use b2evo's "URL Stub" which I prefer to call "virtual names", coz it really is confusing :p
If I have a stub "filename" = AaA.php
And Blog A URL is set to domain.tld/aaa/post-title
It will work.
If I rename the stub "filename" = aAa.php
the URL domain.tld/aaa/post-title
will also still work.
That's what I meant :)
In all unix flavors filenames are case-sensitive, so maybe it comes from that and I wouldn't think it is a bug.