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1 Sep 16, 2007 15:45    


Internet Time computation seems to be affected by b2evo's "Time Difference" setting (regional tab).

My time format is: B / h:i:sa.
My time difference is 12 hours ahead (+12) from the server.

Say if its @500 which is 7:00am EST/EDT* (server time), +12 hours to my local time, it is 7:00pm UTC+0800.

But the Internet Time also gets re-calculated with the "Time Difference" and so it becomes:

@000 7:00pm UTC+0800, instead of @500 7:00pm UTC+0800.

Checked with my hosting, they got the timezone setting correctly.
My PC's clock and timezone also correct.

Other checks required that I haven't done that can help with the isolation of this one?


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