2 davethorp Sep 18, 2007 21:29

This has happened t me with both versions of 2.0 alpha
*edit* merged the two topics
Me too on both clean installs and upgrade installs. And on both linux and windows webservers (both apache though)
I've reverted to 1.10.2 for the time being
Crack open inc/items/model/_itemslistlight.class.php and change this section of code and see if it cures it ( approx 1069 )
elseif( $this->filters['unit'] == 'posts' || $this->filters['unit'] == 'all' )
{ // We're going to page, so there's no real limit here...
That does the trick. Think I'm gonna stick with 1.10.2 though still for time being
Look s like it solved the problem. It wasn't a real problem, because I seldom want to logout, but some reflexes keep hitting the rightmost button ('Logout') instead of the 'Blog' button that was intended.
Cool, I'll merge the two topics and commit the changes ;)
Thanks again ¥åßßå.
Ok, when I logout now ( from the SideBar menu ) I'm taken to a page that is says... "Sorry, there is nothing to display..." instead of say, the index page!.
Seemed a bit odd as this doesn't happen if I logout using the Admin Toolbar at the top of the page.
On login, the same "Sorry, there is nothing to display..." is displayed again.
Sure beats an error page but may need more work.
I've seen the thing but didn't bother because I think it's because I didn't have the stubfile setting checked after upgrading.
It looked as if it is directed to blog 1 which was previous the Blog All, but since in v 2.0 every blog can be Blog All, blog #1 is not automatically set as All Blog and so the blog #1 is now an empty blog.
But do check, since I didn't.
Good luck
My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x
Just upgraded to 2.0. Looks pretty good however I get an error when I log in and out. The error says:
It only happens when logging in and out from the main page. If I log into or log out from the backoffice the error doesn't happen
I've tried creating a new user and logging in and out with that but the problem remains.