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1 Sep 17, 2007 01:39    

Using the latest CVS version.

Trying to access RSS/atom feeds throws a 404 error.

/skins/_rss2/ & /skins/_atom/ exist and are readable.

Tried to access via

Enable debug mode in /conf/_advanced.php and get the following:

MySQL error!

Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'TRADITIONAL'(Errno=1231)

Your query:

SET sql_mode = "TRADITIONAL"

Let's see what MySQL says:

mysql> select @@version;
| @@version |
| 4.1.22-standard |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select @@sql_mode;
| @@sql_mode |
| |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

i.e. sql_mode is empty.

Anything else you want to know?

Other than that, everything seems to be working fine.

2 Sep 19, 2007 11:21

This should cure your mysql error and hopefully let you see what's causing your feed error

> 3/ debug mode
> This one gave me a giggle :p On one server I use for
> testing stuff
> *cough*godaddy*cough* ( blame whoo ) enabling debug
> mode causes a mysql
> error, mind you, you get a full debug report about what
> happened :-S
> It's caused by this bit of mysql (
> inc/_core/model/db/_db.class.php approx
> line 413 )
> if( $debug )
> { // Force MySQL strict mode
> $this->query( 'SET sql_mode =
> }
> Commenting out that section cures the problem.


3 Sep 20, 2007 18:58

OK, declare me officialy "stupid of the month".

I had not enabled XML feeds in the backoffice for the blog.

I'm sorry for the trouble.

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