2 vanarie Sep 18, 2007 15:44

I tried running the Gallery2 Single Sign On plugin so that I could synchronise the users for Gallery and b2evolution, but gave up after having config errors in the index.php and main.php I tried editing the config.php as I think it had incorrect references but wasn't sure exactly what to do. Is ther a simple way as the notes don't have a good example to follow
What kind of errors did you get? Could you please submit a bug to the evocms-plugins bugtracker (url below). If that's no good could you PM those to me please? I would be happy to look at it and fix it.
Also, I have released a new version of the plugin recently. Could you try that?
Bug tracker:
IMO, unless you're very adept at PHP, you're probably not going to be able to integrate B2E and Gallery2 into one cohesive app, but you can certainly use both side by side. You can probably use the same skin used for your blog as your gallery skin.
Just crosslink to each other in the menu systems and be happy!