My b2evolution Version: Not Entered
I'm using ver. 1.10.2 (Florida) and am having trouble figuring out how to make static pages. The dynamic nature of the blog creates links that eventually end up broken, and I'd like to fix that.
I'm not quite ready to upgrade to the alpha version, as my first attempt at that was a failure.
Sun Country Gems :roll:
Hi sdlucas and welcome back to the forum.
You can use 1.10.2. It's as stable as can be, so it's recommended for production sites. You can make static pages of the frontpage only in backoffice -> Blocksettings -> hit "List" in horizobtal bloglist and finally hit [Gen!) in the fourth column (Static File).
You can set the output filename in Blog settings -> select a blog from the horizontal bloglist -> Advanced -> Static filename.
Come to see it, you should do the second thing first.
Good luck