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1 Sep 28, 2007 22:55    

My b2evolution Version: 0.9.x

I have a new blog that mostly is used to inform our customers about hurricane threats to our island in Belize, so we don't post to it often. I am getting about 8-15 spam posts/day and almost all include links to .info and .biz. Here is a sample post, they almost all look like this:

Website: akysa diniz (IP: ,
<strong>akysa diniz</strong><br />akysa diniz OLQBSVYMB

I was able to add .info to the blocked keywords but .biz is too short. Is it possible to shorten the 5 character minimum to 4? If not, is it possible to turn off posts until the blog is active again? Please help! I thought the blog was a great idea but now it is a lot of work just keeping the spam off. I don't want people to have to register to post.

Slickrock Adventures

2 Sep 29, 2007 00:32

You mentioned in your post that this is a new blog... How new is it exactly? The reason I ask is because you listed your version as 0.9.x. The 0.9 versions are considered ancient, and have been obsolete for quite some time now. Your best bet to prevent spam is to upgrade your blog to at least 1.9x or 1.10. The old versions are magnets for spam but the new ones have many built-in safeguards to prevent comment and trackback spam.

In the meantime, you should be able to block .info and .biz referers using something like this in your .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} \.biz [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} \.info [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F,L]


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