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1 Oct 04, 2007 12:47    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

Hello all.

I downloaded and studied b2evo to the point that I'm ready for the forums :)
After installing Autoblog (by Francesco Castronovo) I'm faced with the situation that there's no decent homepage that shows blogs of users (group "Autoblogger Blogs"). The homepage might include a search function for users' blogs, latest posts/comments by bloggers, most active bloggers and their blogs, etc.

I have found no such plugin in the repository so I got to the forums. I am positive that it's possible to write the code necessary to do the above requirement, but maybe someone else already done it?

If no one had already done it, then a little guidance on the following subjects would be wonderful:

1) how to get a list of new recent blogs?
2) how to get a list of new recent posts/comments and their respective user/blog?
3) how to get statistics about: active bloggers, active blogs, active post.

Thanks in advance!


2 Oct 22, 2007 18:37

I loaded autoblog and it seems to be working. Creating new blogs, allow view, write, etc. I can't find how to enable seeing the categories so people can look at other blogs.

A family website where the features

All blog categories (users)
Recent posts
Secure posts to specific other users

Would be nice. Anyone got an idea?



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