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1 Oct 10, 2007 22:33    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I recently received a request from one of my bloggers to be able to change the font/font size/font color of their post titles, and I'm wondering if anyone has attempted this before.

I am currently using the TinyMCE plugin for text formatting within the content area of the post forms in the b2evo admin. How would I go about changing the post title field to a text area and applying the TinyMCE plugin to that field, as well?

Any assistance is much appreciated. Thank you!

2 Oct 11, 2007 06:36

You can only do so in the skin.
What you can do is this: copy the skin he is using into a new folder (all files). Crack open _main.php, change the font of the title in

<h3 class="bTitle"><?php $Item->title( '', '', true ); ?></h3>

and save.

You can now offer your bogger the new skin that should appear in rhe skin list under the name of the *new folder*.

Good luck

3 Oct 11, 2007 23:53

If it were only going to be that easy. This guy wants to be able to change the font/size/color of titles at the time he makes a post. So, for example, he posts today and wants the title in 18pt Arial in orange, and tomorrow's mood may be 12pt Verdana in green.

Well, I am going to flex my PHP muscles and see how fast I can break b2evo attempting to do this.

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