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1 Oct 16, 2007 18:44    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.2

I have been able to set things up in my install of B2E (on Bluehost) so that new users can register themselves and then can make new posts (drafts - they need to be moderated by an editor).

I have multiple blogs at the same URI ( and I was able to figure out how to enable groups to post in some blogs and not others.

However, I have not been able to hide the "Blog Settings" for groups with only Draft publishing privileges and clicking on the tab generates a 500-Internal Server Error.

I would like to hide this tab if possible or handle the error more gracefully.

Similarly, I would like to hide the "Tools" tab because there is no way I want someone to be able to access the Movable Type import tool.

Any suggestions?

:: Clay

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