2 yabba Oct 21, 2007 18:03

oh sorry
sorry, i use bamafan2989 for most things haha
i wanna make the address bradjohnson.lime-designs.net/blog
so do i need to make a folder and put the "b2evolution" folder there?
can you explain how to install it there please?
thanks a lot :]
oh yeah again,
i am using cpanel 11
In cPanel search for MySQL databases or databases and create a new one with arbitrary name. Once this is done keep you eyes open, because it might (or might not) give a clue to how and where you can access this database. usually it's "localhost" and username / password are the ones you used to access cPanel, but again, not always.
On the server create a folder called blog and copy to it (use cPanel or FTP) *the contents of* the folder b2evolution/blogs/ from the package to this folder.
Now go to a browser and type: bradjohnson.lime-designs.net/blog/install/ to complete installation.
Good luck
It all depends on where you want your blogs to live.
If you currently have a website on your root ( sorry, your links broken so it's a tad hard to tell ) then the chances are you want to install it in a sub folder ( /blogs/ is probably an unimaginative choice, do something zany and install them to /wysiwib/ ;) )