2 yabba Oct 21, 2007 18:05

thanks for the tip. It didn't do the trick, though, I get the same messages.
The next thing I'd probably try is un-commenting line 1166 ( just delete the # ), and seeing what the answer is ;)
nope, doesn't work.
My question would be, anyway, if that commented line creates the problem, wouldn't it create the problem for all users, since it's an unaltered php file?
Uncommenting that line will show you what the next line is trying to evaluate ( which is the line that's throwing the error ).
I should have mentioned, it shows the same error.
You get the same error from the uncommented line or you get the same error on the same line?
If it's the latter then you should also see a box above it that shows you what is being fed to the next line.
error from the same line, and yes, I get this in the box:
string(1164) "{<a href="'.regenerate_url( '', 'skin_ID='.format_to_output($row->skin_ID).'&action=edit').'" title="Edit skin properties..." class="action_icon"><img src="http://oregonstate.edu/'.7E
more or less, I am not sure I could copy the whole content of the box
The whole content of the box would be useful
okay, I got the whole box in IE :D
here it is. What I see wrong off the bat is how the address is rendered; the adress is oregonstate.edu/~dogaruc, etc (with a tilde). In address bar is rendered http://oregonstate.edu/%7Edogaruc/ta... (I guess %7E is the hex code for ~), but in the box i see it as '.7E...
string(1164) "{<a href="'.regenerate_url( '', 'skin_ID='.format_to_output($row->skin_ID).'&action=edit').'" title="Edit skin properties..." class="action_icon"><img src="http://oregonstate.edu/'.7Edogaruc/tapirul-blog/rsc/icons/properties.png" border="0" align="top" width="18" height="13" title="Edit skin properties..." alt="Properties"/></a><a href=".'regenerate_url( '', 'skin_ID='.format_to_output($row->skin_ID).'&action=reload')'." title="Reload containers!" class="action_icon"><img src="http://oregonstate.edu/.'7Edogaruc/tapirul-blog/rsc/icons/reload.gif" border="0" align="top" width="15" height="15" title="Reload containers!" alt="Reload"/></a>'.conditional( $row->nb_blogs < 1, '<a href="'.regenerate_url( '', 'skin_ID='.format_to_output($row->skin_ID).'&action=delete').'" title="Uninstall this skin!" class="action_icon"><img src="http://oregonstate.edu/'.7Edogaruc/tapirul-blog/rsc/icons/delete.gif" border="0" align="top" width="15" height="15" title="Uninstall this skin!" alt="Del"/></a>', '<img src="http://oregonstate.edu/.'7Edogaruc/tapirul-blog/rsc/icons/blank.gif" border="0" align="top" width="15" height="15" class="no_icon"/>' ).'}"
any ideas?
Hi tapirul,
Check if the database and B2evo itself are setup with language charset utf-8. I refer to this post: [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=10992&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=utf8][1.9.x] HOW-TO: Configure b2evolution for non-English posts[/url] for details.
Good luck
thanks, they are (they were from the beginning, actually). Changing _locales.php did the trick with the romanian characters, however, this seems to be a different issue, namely how the address is rendered in that particular script ('.7E instead of %7E). I don't get other errors, only the one related to that line in _results.class.php. I was wondering if somebody can point to the file I might need to edit.
And that was solved only a few posts down the row: [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=13013&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=] [1.10.x] accented characters mess urltitle (with utf-8)[/url].
Good luck
The first thing I'd try is grabbing a fresh copy of the zip and re-uploading the whole of the inc folder.