My b2evolution Version: 1.10.2
Hey all,
I can't figure out why none of my categories are listed on my blog. I've been messing with the _main.php file, but I haven't touched the code for the categories listing. I've included that portion of the code below. Any ideas?
/* ------------------------ CALL THE CATEGORIES PLUGIN -------------------------
* customize your categories by adding parameters to the plugin's array. see
* or plugins/_categories.plugin.php for details
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'evo_Cats', array( // Add parameters below:
) );
// --------------------------- END OF CATEGORIES ---------------------------- ?>
Does the file 'categories.plugin.php' exist in the folder ../blogs/plugins/ and is the plugin correctly installed according to backoffice -> App setttings -> Plugims?
If you can't find the solution. please report back to this topic.
Good luck