2 afwas Oct 31, 2007 22:21

Global Settings ->Features
Ah that's kinda nce. If you tick the checkbox a list pops up.
Apart from looking at a setting in backoffice I searched the (config) files, because the manual refers to ../conf/_advanced.conf and there is nothing to be found there or elswhere.
I am not getting old after all.
I am stuck at the error:
Fatal error: Class 'Item' not found in /home/hemmi3/public_html/blog/cron/getmail.php on line 335
and the code being:
335: $edited_Item = & new Item();
336: $post_ID = $edited_Item->insert( $loop_User->ID, [...]
As far as my archeological knowledge goes, this is old code.
Karen, is this one of the errors you claim to have solved?
I noticed the getmail.php picks up every post and not just the ones with the set prefix.
I have an update.
I found the solution to the line 335 error in [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=12831&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=post+email]this post[/url]. You need to add:
require_once $inc_path.'items/model/_itemlist.class.php';
require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php';
Then there was an error class timer_stop not found in line 374:
but that was only in debug mode and the error disappeared after disabling debug mode.
The post now was correctly received from the server, but I only see it in the backoffice. It doesn't appear in the blog. The post is 'published' and says from itself that it's in the right Category on the right Blog.
Afwas wrote:
It doesn't appear in the blog. The post is 'published' and says from itself that it's in the right Category on the right Blog.
Check the time of the post, I seem to remember that emails and servers can have vastly different times and evo takes the email time as the post time ;)
Now I ruined my blog and ¥åßßå comes up with the simplest of answers.
I'd feel silly if I woke up tomorrow and saw the post on the blog. :p
But first get my blog online again.
¥åßßå: you were spot on.
hi afwas,
sorry if it you ruined your blog just to help me. but i have also looked into some post and found that conf/advanced...but i didnt find it also. now, im here waiting if there's anything we can do to resolve it. i really need to get this blog by email work.
Hi karen,
My blog is running and I did mangfe to send it an email.
If you app;ied the hack (and you have snce you don't get the error) do recheck the prefix "blog:" in the title. If you have it setup with hooks [] then you must also mail the hooks. Also add a space after the prefix.
Good luck
hi afwas, which hack?
i have already tried blog: with space after it and without space. but it didnt work.
what email are you using(gmail, yahoo)?
It's been ages since I've looked into blog-by-email, but several things probably remain the same.
1) It really matters from where you're sending your email. (For example - gMail uses a secure email server and getmail.php isn't set up for that.)
My recommendation is to test/use blog-by-email from as basic a POP3 email server as you can use (i.e., avoid gMail and yahoo!mail and stick to an email addy with your hosting provider).
2) Making contact is the hardest part. Once you make contact, you can tweak all the other settings.
A long time ago, I wrote a tutorial about how to get this working. Much has changed, but you might be able to find some nuggets of info that help you in [url=http://randsco.com/index.php/2005/04/06/posting_via_email]this old post[/url]
(Ahh ... you must have left the last comment ... sorry I haven't gotten around to replying :oops: email me again and I'll see if we cant get you sorted out).
Hope this helps.
hi stk! there you are! i keep coming back to your site to check your reply. i have read "that post" of yours in your site and my question is where can i find advanced.php. im running in 2.0.2 now and some things are really different.
i really need to get this thing to work [url=http://www.my.eezmol.com]here[/url] coz i lost my bloggers in my old [url=http://www.eezmol.com]blogsite[/url]
and im not giving up, maybe they would like the new one. (i hope so). thanks.
where's afwas?
Hi karen,
Try the function Body Terminator: in the extra options and in the mail. What mail client do you use? I use my ordinairy hosts POP email. But receiving the mail is not the problem at your site.
Good luck
Yes, sorry about the late/non reply, but I'm very swamped these days and don't have as much time to devote to helping folks as I'd like.
Also, I'm not running 2.0.2. It's an "alpha" release and as such, is much more likely to have problems. The last stable release of b2evolution is 1.10.something.
Because I'm not on 2.0.2 (and not likely to upgrade for a bit), your best bet will be to work with Afwas and Yabba. It sounds to me like Afwas has narrowed in on the problem and that he's been able to successfully email a post to his own 2.0.2 blog (after hacking the getmail.php file to fix some errors?).
Looking at your first post in this thread, it's clear that the email is being "picked up" by b2evolution and "read" ... there's no user | pass glitches, so it seems that there's [a bug] that's preventing the email from being successfully saved to the database.
Yabba is correct that one of the problems with blogging by email is that the timestamp on the email will be from the SENDING EMAIL SERVER (which could be vastly different than the B2EVO HOSTING SERVER). It's the "sending email server timestamp" that becomes the blog posts "date/time-stamp". (A common problem is that the SENDING SERVER has a timestamp that's earlier than the b2evo server, which means that the post doesn't show up on the blog, immediately - so people have a tendency to think their "blog-by-email" post has failed, when indeed it hasn't ... b2evo doen't "publish it" (because it's "in the future")until that time has past).
Though the post doesn't show up on the "front of your blog", it IS in the list of posts in the back-office. ;)
If you want to step back an installation (we're on 1.9.3, which is very much like 1.10.something) ... I'd be happy to spend more time with you, so that you can get it to work (keep in mind that I don't currently use - or have tested - blog-by-email ... so there may STILL be problems?)
My recommendation, however, would be to work with Yabba and Afwas (both have a 2.0.2 blog). I'm sure they can get it sorted for you! ;)
Good luck. (Feel free to contact me via our website, if you find yourself stuck).
Thanks STK!
hi afwas, i will try that. by the way, im using my email also (POP3)...i mean @eezmol.com also.
(karen, you don't want spam on your blog ;) )
hi karen,
The advanced.php file you asked about is not for 2.0.2. Everything is handled inside the backoffice.
The two things I changed in ../blogs/cron/getmail.php are:
- added
require_once $inc_path.'items/model/_itemlist.class.php';
require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php';
- on or about 371 commented out:
// timer_stop($output_debugging_info);
and it worked (my blog has a delay of about 12 hours, but the posts appear in the bcloffice and I can there adjust the time.)
Good luck
hi afwas, dont worry those are not real email addresses. i hate spam! LOL!
im getting a little confused. those hacks for getmail.php, are those the only hacks u've inserted? i mean, after activating blog by email at global settings/features, all you did is that getmail.php?
karen wrote:
i mean, after activating blog by email at global settings/features, all you did is that getmail.php?
stk describes in his blog that deleting the email from the server is the last thing the script does. In your setup, are the mails deleted from the mailbox?
hi afwas, i hacked getmail.php and now, if i try to click on connection or messages, instead of looking at below:
Connecting to pop server...
Logging into pop server...
Getting message #1...
Subject: blog:TITLE
Content-type: text/plain, boundary:
Raw content:
user:pass The body of the post.Login: user, Pass: pass
Category ID: 3
Blog ID: 1
i can only see blank on the new window after i clicked any of messages/connection.
Here you have my output from #1 where I forgot [Blog:] as prefix and #2 that is correct:
Connecting to pop server...
Logging into pop server...
Getting message #1...
Subject prefix does not match.
Getting message #2...
So a succesful mail only generates two lines. Make sure in getmail.php the line 13:
$output_debugging_info = 0; # =1 if you want to output debugging info
is turned zero (there is an error in the end of the debugging info).
For the record: do you check the post at Blog 1 and Cat 3? Is the email deleted from the server (the mailbox)?
Good luck
it is 0.
yes, i checked the post at blog 1 and cat 3. nothing on the blog and nothing on the admin section.
Now try with "Email/MMS Auto-BR:" from the extra options checked "on".
You never answered me the question if the mail is deleted from you mailbox.
If you don't trust your copy of getmail.php anymore due to the alterations you made, you can copy mine from [url=http://www.hemminga.net/blog/cron/getmail.txt]this location[/url].
Good luck
hi afwas, i'll do it this weekend. by the way, since las vegas is out, dont you think i should upgrade first before fixing this blog by email?
hi karen,
I'll be around this weekend.
In the time to come it's important to upgrade as often as possible. More than usual new releases are true improvements.
hi afwas,
i have upgraded [url=http://www.my.eezmol.com]my.eezmol.com[/url] to 2.1.0 (or at least that's what i was doing), but at the bottom, it is still showing 2.0.2 and also, when im installing it, instead of showing 2.1.0 beta, its showing 2.0.2 on the upper right corner of installation (setting up database & others). In the admin section, Tools/system, the version is 2.0.2.
Have you upgraded your own? Can you check this pls?
Hi karen,
Have a look at the [url=http://demo.b2evolution.net/?revision=HEAD&php_ver=php5&mysql_ver=mysql5]demo[/url] where you can play with the 2.1 version. There it says 2.1 everywhere, not 2.0.2. Also check Tools -> system on your blog.
Good luck
what do you think is wrong? Anyway, i'll do it again from the start. i'll let you know thanks!
hi afwas, i was able to upgrade to 2.1.0. I have checked the blog by email and it still not working. but the connection is ok now...even the post is not there. anyway, can i use your getmail.php for this 2.1.0 version? i havent touched anything yet, i guess im afraid. i think it would be better to wait for your answer first LOL! Thanks!
Hi karen.
The versioms are compatible, just keep the original (if you have the zip file for the distribution, that's enough).
If the post is gone, have a look at the dashboard. The post may be there (with a time set in the future). In that case everything works.
Keep us updated.
Good luck
I upgraded to 2.1
I got the error: (something like) class Item not found
I applied the first patch:
require_once $inc_path.'items/model/_itemlist.class.php';
require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php';
I got the error (something like) stop_timer not found, but the email was posted!!!
I applied the second patch:
on or about 371 commented out:
// timer_stop($output_debugging_info);
All works great now.
hi afwas, last night or early this morning, after i sent a msg, here's the message:
Connecting to pop server...
Logging into pop server...
Getting message #1...
Subject: blog:TITLE
Content-type: text/plain, boundary:
Raw content:
user:pass The body of the post.Login: user, Pass: pass
Category ID: 3
Blog ID: 1
but there's no post in my blog. then a few hours ago, before i touched anything, i checked and still there's no post (future&present) and the msg is still in the sent mail.
then, i applied the patch from ur last msg and sent a msg....the error now is:
Please, do not access this page directly.
just for the record, after i used afwas' getmail.php, my blog by email is now working. thanks to afwas for all the help.
Well done karen.
You noticed, I changed the title to [Solved] :p
Happy blogging
Thanks a bunch afwas! After trying for months to get this to work, using stk's posts and everything else I could find, I combined what you wrote here with the NOOP hack, and finally have this working under 2.0.2. I will upgrade to 2.1 shortly and hopefully not lose this functionality.
My users are ecstatic about this.
Thank you so much!!!
Hi karen,
I tried to look into this, but in order to be of any help I need to setup blog by email on my own blog. In which files are the settings?