2 john Oct 30, 2007 20:32

This only happens with IE 6, never with firefox and not reported with IE7
If you disable active scriting this will work, but its no solution, we are still looking for an solution, its must be a durty script on the page ...
Well, it's not the skin as I know that works in IE 6 & 7
I would suggest that you systematically begin disabling additional add ons and plugins
EG: Comment out the link in the head for Google Maps first, and then disable your plugins one at a time see what happens.
I can't get to an IE computer right now but will have a look at it today.
A friend of mine have this problem with IE 6.
The trouble was that some javascript on IE6 doesn't work ie the base tag is in short form!
You shuold use
<base href="<?php something_that_i_dont_remember_now() ?>"></base>
<base href="<?php something_that_i_dont_remember_now() ?>" />
Believe or not, there´ s a great chance that it solves your problem.
My blog site is suffering from this exact same problem. In fact I have, more or less, the same problem in the new FireFox3. I am running version 1.10.2 Disabling "Active Scripting" in IE6 allows access to the blog pages and disabling "Javascript" in Firefox3 allows access to the blogs.
You wrote that the trouble was in how IE6 didn't support the close /base tag:
"The trouble was that some javascript on IE6 doesn't work ie the base tag is in short form!
You shuold use
<base href="<?php something_that_i_dont_remember_now() ?>"></base>
<base href="<?php something_that_i_dont_remember_now() ?>" />"
In what files should I search for these tags? I have made only a few changes to the basic installation. I am using the Nautica_2l skin as my default and I have implemented the basic SPAM recommendations - changing the name of my "htsrv" folder and using the following code in the .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www.thefamilyblog.net/.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://thefamilyblog.net/.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*comment_post\.php$
RewriteRule .* - [F]
Also, I have installed the following plug-ins:
Video Plug
Thanks for any help you can provide.
In the template that you are using.
Thanks for answering so quickly. Please forgive my ignorance as I'm new to B2E but what template are you referring to...the skin itself or something else.
I found the following line in the _popup.php file in the home folder of the skin:
<base href="<?php skinbase(); // Base URL for this skin. You need this to fix relative links! ?>" /> and changed it to this:
<base href="<?php skinbase(); // Base URL for this skin. You need this to fix relative links! ?>"></base>
It doesn't appear to have made a difference (assuming it should make a difference immediately).
I switched to the Miami_blue template for the Blog A page (http://mydomain.net/index.php?blog=2) and it works without problem while the pages using the Nautica_2l skin still suffer the problem.
I've now tried several different 1.x skins and most have the same file structure:
as well as these...
none have...
Do any of these extra files violate any standard config for skin templates for 1.10.2?
Any other ideas will be appreciated.
Thanks again for your help.
Disable the gallery plugin
Thanks for the advice Blonde...removing the Gallery plug-in immediately solved the problem with javascript...which, of course, leaves me with a dilemma. What do I use to provide similar functionality in B2Evolution. Is something similar built into the 2.x version...this plug-in is not available in v2...or is something else available...or I guess I can try to contact balupton about the plug-in and javascript issues.
A link to the Site may help !