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1 Nov 05, 2007 16:12    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x


I've been trying to add my video from dailymotion, using:

[video:dailymotion:x3e56s_ea-skate-tumyeto-part-4_extreme] [video:dailymotion:x3e56s_ea-] [video:dailymotion:x3e56s_] [video:dailymotion:x3e56s]

and it's not working..(but youtube and the others are working) can someone help me out please?
My real link is:

2 Nov 05, 2007 17:41

What is the problem: are you using the youtube plugin and do you get the errors there or are you 'plain' podting and you get the errors like

Tag <object> may not have attribute TYPE
Tag <param> may not have attribute NAME
Tag <param> may not have attribute VALUE 

If you have the first type of problem, goto [url=][PLUGIN] YouTube Plugin 0.1[/url], if it's the second, visit [url=][1.10.x] Object tag for video[/url] and there is a plugin for embedding content, but I can't find it right now (I'm in a hurry.)

Good luck

3 Nov 06, 2007 16:08

none of these errors.

It doesnt show me an error message it just doesnt show the video on the webpage.

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