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1 Nov 07, 2007 01:14    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


I am trying to setup a blog at Everything has installed smoothly so far, this is the first time using b2evolution and I was very impressed. The only thing is, that whenever you try to login, or access a page which requires you being logged in, the request times out because of too many redirects. I'm not sure if this is due to the b2evolution coding, which is version 2.0.2, or if it is because of something configured wrong on the server, which is a Windows 2003 Server, PHP 5.2, MySQL 5.1.

Somebody please help me, I really wish to get this blog running soon!


2 Nov 07, 2007 06:15

I'm having the same problem with my new 2.0.2 installation under an iis7, php5.2, mysql5.1 setup.

The sample blogs display but trying to login results in a recursive loop that eventually grows too long for the browser before it finally errors.

Here's the final line from the log file:

2007-11-07 04:56:42 GET /admin.php ctrl=dashboard&ctrl=dashboard&ctrl=dashboard&ctrl=dashboard{...omitted many iterations...}ctrl=dashboard&ctrl=dashboard&ctrl=dashboard 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+6.0;+SLCC1;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.04506;+MAXTHON+2.0) 301 0 0 775

3 Nov 11, 2007 06:20

I've searched every phrase I can think of to find a solution to this problem but it doesn't look like there is an answer. I've now removed and installed 4 times. I've tried Las Vegas and have the same result. The blog installs without error. I can view the sample posts. But I can not login. No errors are logged that I can find.

The only evidence I can find is this recursive address in the log file. Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?

I have 2.0.0 running on another server without a single hitch. It was great! This install though is getting really frustrating.

4 Nov 13, 2007 14:41

Thanks to ¥åßßå on another thread, I've got this working now. It turns out the problem was with using FastCGI instead of ISAPI. My servers that worked were all ISAPI and this new one was setup as FastCGI. When I switched it to ISAPI, everything worked as it should.

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