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1 Nov 14, 2007 20:07    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x


I have set up Meta-Tags in the advanced settings including keywords. The keyword tag is not showing up in the feed, so when I try to submit the feed to Google it gives me an error. How do I fix this?


2 Nov 15, 2007 00:21

I'm sorry, you've lost me. Which "feeds" are you on about, and what part of googy are you trying to submit them to?


3 Nov 15, 2007 06:13

You can go into into the "subscribed links" section and there is a section for "subscribed links feeds" which allows you to submit your blog's feed directly to Google for easy indexing....

One of the feeds for my blog is:

(all the feeds generate the same error) When I try to submit Google says:
Feed data could not be read: No coop:keyword tags in RSS feed

(Feeds validate through and I have had NO problems submitting anywhere else)


4 Nov 15, 2007 06:39

Confirmed !
It goes in "green" but once it's crawled the errors come up

5 Nov 15, 2007 10:43

From [url=]this page[/url] of the googy guide :

Omnipotent Googy wrote:

There's just one catch: you need to tell us which queries should trigger each item in your feed. For that purpose we've defined a namespace "" which contains the tag "coop:keyword".

Probably the best solution would be to create a googy specific skin and add the keywords stuff in but, unless you run one of the seo keyword plugins, all your keywords will be the same for all your posts.


6 Nov 15, 2007 19:34

Because of the purpose of the blog, there is no heartburn with having all the keywords the same.

What I don't know how to do is create a Google specific skin. I'm primarily a designer, HTML website SEO person. I don't know much about the internals of RSS/XML feeds. I've only created skins for templates and am not sure how to set up a "Google skin"... maybe there is a manual somewhere?... What I was ACTUALLY hoping was that this error was fixable through a patch or an upgrade, and that someone else had had it before...

How do I create a "Googy skin"?....

7 Nov 16, 2007 01:21

If I remember tomorrow I'll change one of the feed skins for you, it's a pretty simple amendment and should suit you.


8 Nov 25, 2007 18:10

That would be great! Just tell me what I have to do next....



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