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1 Dec 06, 2007 02:44    

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x


I usually put images on my blogs, and I really miss something that allows me to put a small subtitle or comment to that particular picture, like this:

Here goes the subtitle for the image.

But with the actual image alignment options I have, there is no way to do that other than centralizing the picture and adding a pure-text comment (also centralized) with the smallest font.
I'm using TinyMCE as a editor plugin.

How can I do that? Newer b2 versions have this resource? Of, maybe, other plugins?


2 Dec 08, 2007 13:08

I think 1.10.3 had it, but I'm playing with 2.2.0 now so I'm not sure, but anyway using your file manager feature you should be able to produce a caption under your image. The caption is part of the details of the image - not part of the post. I forget now, but something like selecting the image then clicking to add the code to the post. I think it's not obvious though so you have to hunt around a bit to find it.

I don't know anything about TinyMCE though. Sorry.

3 Dec 12, 2007 17:36

EdB, my friend:

I was thinking about upgrading my 1.93 to 1.10.3 just to try, but... chicken out.
If I mess something out, I'm lost... better leave that to a free weekend.
I also tried to find something more about what you said, but to no avail.
So, finally tried to use TABLES to do the captions. After some tries, I think I managed to do that succcessfully. Basically made a 1colx2row table, zero border, and put the image on the upper cell and the caption with smaller font on the bottom cell.
I don't know why I have not thought about that earlier. :-/

So, if someone's having the same problem as I had, just feel free to ask.

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