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1 Dec 13, 2007 05:29    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

I have been trying to figure this out and managed to frustrate myself.

I want to show the last 20 to 24 posts plus in my RRS/Atom feeds. I can do it if I toggle the Posts/Days per page to the number I want on the feed BUT I also get that on each page and i only want 5-6 per page.

Is there an easy way to accomplish this. I've searched the forums but couldn't come up with anything relevent.

Thanks in advance

2 Dec 13, 2007 11:05

Not possible in 1.10.x but it was added in 2.2.x.

3 Dec 13, 2007 12:37

Actually it might be possible. You can try editing skins/_atom/_main.php and adding your own post count around line 66:

			<updated><?php $MainList->mod_date( 'isoZ', true ) ?></updated>
			$posts = 24; // adding this line MIGHT work ;)
			while( $Item = & $MainList->get_item() )

(The line number will probably change for each flavor of feed, but the same "while MainList get_item" should be there.)

Much easier in 2.2.0 though. Just tell it how many via the back office.

4 Dec 13, 2007 19:03

Thanks it did not do exactly what i wanted. I'm not too good at coding so maybe it was me as well. I'll just have to live with it the way I'm doing it, maybe I'll split the difference at 12 :-/ .

I'm new at Bloging and B2 and I wanted to start with a stable version thus 1.10.

5 Dec 13, 2007 19:43

this may or may not work

copy and paste the following into notepad and save it as hacks.php, then upload it to your /conf/ folder

if( isset( $tempskin ) && substr( $tempskin, 0, 1 ) == '_' ) $posts = 20; // change number to suit


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