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1 Dec 29, 2007 10:35    

So ... uh ... how do I do stuff with it?

I think I have wamp installed. I know that in my start menu under programs I can find a thing called "wampserver" with clickables for "start wampserver" and "uninstall wampserver", but I have no idea what to do next.

Like for example how do I install the latest and greatest b2evolution package on my 'simulated server'?

That's what wamp is right? It's like telling my computer to pretend to be a server? I'm guessing that somehow I have to "upload" stuff to it - like I would normally do with my real server. Then somehow my computer will also pretend to "get a page" from that phony server - right?

But for the life of me I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I'm pretty dumb is why, I'm sure. Others dig on it, but all I do is give up and actually FTP stuff to my actual real server.

Honestly I wish I could do this stuff locally instead of FTPing to my server because then I wouldn't break stuff publicly and have to scramble to recover. Plus the time it takes, even on my nice fast cable connection, would be reduced to almost nill. But wow everything seems to expect me to not be stupid, and I'm stupid. I beat my head against the wall until the wall finally gives in with most of this web stuff, and it HURTS!

So ... help?

Baby steps, please! My post count over there on the left means "I write a lot of stuff in a browser window". OTOH I'm a total noob at server stuff, and a total noob at a simulated server is way ahead of me.

PS: I'm totally willing to learn.

2 Dec 29, 2007 11:10

Hi Ed,

No need to be scared by IRC. At the moment there are three orc's in it: me, blueyed and CaptSolo.

OK, turn to Wamp.

Let's see if it works. Fire up a new tab in your browser and type 'http://localhost'. That's your home directory.
Next, hit the tiny meter icon from Wamp in your right hand botton corner. That's your control panel.

There isn't a real cPanel in Wamp (or is there) but this menu does much more. You can access phpMyAdmin for the (local) mySQL databases. You can edit the php.ini, attach and delete apache modules and everything.

If you hit Localhost, you go to the home page in your browser.
If you stop services, the server dies
If you hit Put Online, the server is to be approached from the outside world through http://YOUR IP/ where YOUR IP is the string of numbers like

Upload through FTP.
No need for that. FTP is a transfer protocol. No need to transfer.
You server is located at c:\wamp\www\ Put your stuff there and it will show in the browser.

Install B2evo
1) Create a database through phpMyAdmin
2) Put the files in c:\wamp\www\(blog\2_3\)
3) Edit the _basic.conf.php file. The database is located at localhost, your admin name is root and there is no password
4) Run the install file in your browser at http://localhost/(blog/2_3/)install/

There are many. On my previous setup I had four blogs (1.8.7, 1.9.3, 1.10.2 and alpha 2) running in different directories.
The current blog was connected to the database on my real server. Just change the _basic.conf.php file to point to that DB. A safer alternative is to export your real life B2evo DB and import that on your local server. Now you have power and nothing can go wrong. This is the ideal setup for hacks and (skin) development

3 Dec 29, 2007 17:53

Cool! I've got 4 work nights facing me so not much time to play, but I'll get back to this. (I added this thread to my bookmarks toolbar so's I don't lose track of it ;) )

4 Dec 29, 2007 17:53

I have found that Xampp was the best way (for me) to be able set this up on a Windows pc.

At that link, you can download the full package of Xampp that contains everything (XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start). It also has a control panel, to admin anything you need. This is quite small and therefore useful for putting on a thumb drive or something to keep scripts with you on the go. They also have it for MAC OS X, Solaris and Linux.

Hey, I did this (with Xampp) easily... so you know it must be simple

5 Jan 03, 2008 17:59

Hey there,

I was thinking of downloading Xampp. I have been having major trouble with my independent PHP and MySQL. I still get errors that wont let me download. It says:
MySQL error!

The PHP MySQL module could not be loaded.

You must edit your php configuration (php.ini) and enable this module (php_mysql.dll).

Do not forget to restart your webserver (if necessary) after editing the PHP conf.

I am pretty grateful to come across your reply, because I want to use Xampp also. Do you if I can fix that error with Xampp? What are the imperative steps? Do I have to upload anything to my website through FTP? Are there any configurations that I need to make on my Windows.

Thank you very much!

My system is a Windows Vista, and b2evolution 1.10.3.

6 Jan 03, 2008 19:05

xamp is different than wamp even if they have the same purpose.

To correct your error, you must edit the php.ini file, then uncomment the line where you find "php_mysql.dll".

At the moment there are three orc's in it: me, blueyed and CaptSolo.

I will be back on IRC on 7th and I'm an elf ^^ (when playing world of warcraft ;))

7 Jan 03, 2008 19:07

Brief update: wow WAMP actually works! I can make my silly little computer think it is both a server and a client. I haven't thrown down an installation yet - still FTPing stuff to my real server - but wow I'm on track to actually fake it here in the privacy of my own machine. Thanks A-man!

(but no: I've read the Lord of the Ring trilogy at least once for each orc Gimli killed at Helm's Deep and therefore simply can not trust anything even remotely resembling an orc ;) )

8 Jan 03, 2008 19:20

EdB wrote:

(but no: I've read the Lord of the Ring trilogy at least once for each orc Gimli killed at Helm's Deep and therefore simply can not trust anything even remotely resembling an orc ;) )

You can enter IRC anonymously. That's like wearing the Invisibility Cloack from Harry Potter or the ones Frodo and Sam got from Galadriel.

9 Jan 07, 2008 22:09

I had to up my memory in php.ini (twice) to get 230RC1 to run, and the only reason I had to do it twice was because after not being successful I "restarted all WAMP services".

I guess I'll have to learn how to upgrade my bits in there, else just delete it all and download the latest from WAMP. Either way it's kinda cool! Now I can tinker with stuff without uploading and refreshing. Hooray!

10 Jan 07, 2008 23:51

EdB wrote:

I had to up my memory in php.ini (twice) to get 230RC1 to run, and the only reason I had to do it twice was because after not being successful I "restarted all WAMP services".

No helpdesk to call. :-/ But you do need to 'restart All Services in order for the changes to take effect". That's a ten second operation.

11 Jan 08, 2008 22:22

Afwas wrote:

But you do need to 'restart All Services in order for the changes to take effect". That's a ten second operation.

I agree, only apache need to be restart.

12 Jan 11, 2008 22:25

To the guy asking about Xampp, yes there is some configuration editing which you have to do, primarily with setting up your mysql. I guess I shouldn't have introduced it here... if I wasn't going to be around to provide some assistance, but I really would have to reinstall it to figure out exactly what I did to it. It wasn't hard, but I have set up mysql on remote servers several times so some of that is just something I learned and can't tell you the steps offhand.

Spend some time on their site (link in my earlier post). They have several different levels of install (based on skill and experience level). The simplest install has a really easy to use control panel. I think that is the best place to start.

You mentioned uploading to your website by ftp. This is primarily for making an installation in your own computer (a pc running windows). For this you are usually sitting at your computer "downloading" what you need into your computer and there is not any need to "upload" anything anywhere, unless you were attempting to access your pc remotely and do an installation that way (but, there are better ways to setup a remote server than using Xampp).

Spend some time on that site.. they do a pretty good job in giving startup instructions.

13 Jan 29, 2008 05:50

Getting the Wampserver working is actually very easy for a Windows user. Make sure IIS is not running (disable Worl Wide Web publishing service).

You run the install, get the Wampserver running. Then click on its running icon (right bottom) and choose to install MySQL and Apache as services.

If you want the services to start when the machine starts, make sure that the 'wamp.....' services are set to start automatically (My computer > Manage > Services > Properties)

Then you can create a database user and a database itself with the built in PHPmyAdmin.

Where I am stuck, is how to get email to work with the WAMP setup. In Wordpress there is a plugin to allow sending confirmation emails via SMTP, but I have no idea how to get that going in b2evolution?

15 Feb 11, 2008 03:39

I locked myself out of my localhost (desktop) b2evo installation. I forgot my password.

I tried having b2evo 2.4 send me a "reset password" link but I'm getting a:

the PHP mail() function may have been disabled on the server.

is there a way to reset it? If not, I could probably re run the installation script.

Did anybody figure out how to receive/send emails from b2evo from XAMPP?

16 Feb 11, 2008 05:44

Search these forums for "cabbage" word and Afwas as the author. There you will find the MD5 equivalent of that word, which you can directly inject into your evo_users database as your password. Then log in with "cabbage".

18 Feb 18, 2010 15:49

I need to restart wamp service on few of my pages but not manually it should be done automatically, can any one help me doing these.

Thanx in advance :?:

19 Feb 23, 2010 09:35

Y don think WAMP can do this. You should try LAMP, that's Linux based and you can setup cronjobs or bash scripts with the at command.

Good luck

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