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1 Dec 29, 2007 23:41    


looks like that the RSS feed doesn't contain any information about following pages when the "nextpage" tag is used. Everything after "nextpage" is skipped. Independent of the "Blog settings\Features\XML Feeds (RSS, Atom)\Feed contents" setting.

Blog settings\Features\XML Feeds (RSS, Atom)\Feed contents is set to "Standard post contents":

-) Postings with the "more" tag are showing a "Read more" link in the RSS feed.
-) Postings with the "nextpage" tag are cut of after the first occurrence. There is no information in the RSS feed that there is more content.

Blog settings\Features\XML Feeds (RSS, Atom)\Feed contents is set to "Full post contents":

-) RSS feed includes full content for postings with the "more" tag.
-) RSS feed is cut off after the first occurrence of "nextpage" for postings using the "nextpage" tag.

Problem can be reproduced with the postings on Blog A on

Just to let you know

2 Jan 01, 2008 15:38

The "full posts" only works for <!--more--> as it's a smidge tough to pull up all pages.

You *might* be able to add page links by cracking open skins/_rss2|_atom/_index.main.php and changing a section of code that looks like this ( approx 148 in _rss2 and 127 in _atom )

				if( $feed_content == 'normal' )
				{	// Teasers only
					$content .= $Item->get_more_link( array(
							'before'    => '',
							'after'     => '',
							'disppage'  => 1,
							'format'    => 'entityencoded',
						) );
				{	// Full contents
					$content .= $Item->get_content_extension( 1, true, 'entityencoded' );
$Item->page_links( '', '', ' ', '', 1 );
$content .= ob_get_clean();


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