2 sam2kb Jan 01, 2008 20:48
I am not totally sure that is it. I've tried adding text-align: left; but that didn't show any result.
Let me clarify a bit.
If you are on a blog you see the following line below any given posting:
Posted in Uncategorized | Edit... | Send feedback ยป
If you click the feedback link you can leave a comment for the blog entry.
The following screen (consisting of the entry and the leave a comment box) is aligned to the center.
That screen has to be aligned to the left, like the rest of the blog.
If I look at the name widecolumn it would seem that is indeed the place where the change needs to be made. But at least my change didn't yield any result.
I hope you or somebody else will be able to help me establish this.
.widecolumn {
padding: 10px 0 20px 0;
margin: 5px 0 0 50px;
width: 450px;
The margin (here 50 in stead of 150) pushes the content to the left.
Thanks Afwas!
Clearly I was approaching it wrong ;)
That did the trick!
By the way made the changes you suggested in another thread with regards to the header alingment, worked like a charm too. Though there were different ways IE and Firefox interpreted them. So I went for the middle ground. Looks quite good.
Thank sam2kb for this one.
Sam2kb: thank you!
And thank afwas for clarifying it a bit for me, as I was too thick to understand it ;)
No problem :)
You probably talking about single-post pages (correct me if not). So you need to find this class in your skin folder in style.css, line 228