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1 Jan 15, 2008 16:39    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I figured it out before, but after upgrading, the fix was gone and don't recall nor can't find it in this forum.

I want to remove the words "Follow Up" from the extended post. Can someone point me to the file to edit?



2 Jan 15, 2008 17:27

I think I can do that, since I raised that same question this past weekend.

On or around line 64 in you will see

	$Item->more_link( array(
		'before'    => $params['before_more_link'],
		'after'     => $params['after_more_link'],
		'link_text' => $params['more_link_text'],
		) );

Add one line so it looks like this:

	$Item->more_link( array(
		'before'    => $params['before_more_link'],
		'after'     => $params['after_more_link'],
		'link_text' => $params['more_link_text'],
		'anchor_text' => ' ',
			) );

I copied the file into /skins/myskin to make sure I kept the change.

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