I´ve got a little problem with the live hits plugin.
The Blog doesn´t show the plugin.
It shows only an error in line 73
I think it is something about this: "blog_list_start()"
/ Generate available blogs list:
$blog = param( 'blog', 'integer', 0 );
$blogListButtons = '<a href="'.regenerate_url( array('blog','page'), "blog=0" ).'" class="'.(( $blog) ? 'OtherBlog' : 'CurrentBlog').'">'.T_('None').'</a> ';
for( $curr_blog_ID = blog_list_start();
$curr_blog_ID != false;
$curr_blog_ID = blog_list_next() )
$blogListButtons .= '<a href="'.regenerate_url( array('blog','page'), "blog=$curr_blog_ID" ).'" class="'.(( $curr_blog_ID == $blog ) ? 'CurrentBlog' : 'OtherBlog').'">'.blog_list_iteminfo('shortname',false).'</a> ';
echo "<div id='spyBloglist'>$blogListButtons</div>";
Could someone help me, please?
I need to release a new version of the plugin that works with 2.x. I'll post back here when it's done.