2 john Jan 17, 2008 06:09

I tried an external javascript with "moretags" after seeing a note in quicktags saying it should be an external script, but failed completely. So technically yeah it can be but I couldn't figure out how. ;)
You can tweak the file of course, but I didn't add any settings that facilitate customization. I picked a few simple tags that the checker-thing will allow (even though "a" isn't) and figured "good enough".
Did you have anything specific in mind?
I'll have a play with it and see what I can manage to break :)
I'll also do some experimenting with the related JS and keep you in the loop
One thing I want to add is a setting for "anyone or registered users", but yeah if you can move the JS out of the stream of sourciness that'd be great! Then maybe moretags and quicktags can catch the same trick yah?
Updated to 0.4.8: enhancements include (a) fixing the 'blue' button so that it actually works, (b) including a <noscript> bit that tells your visitors they're missing out on one of the finer features of life if they don't have javascript enabled, and (c) having a "link" button is now a setting that defaults to 'no' because you have to edit a file to make it happen.
By the way this means that in the middle of spitting out a javascript I actually get php code to execute. Slick eh? Funny what a lot of echo can do for ya ;)
* I also fully updated the readme file to cover v230 and v240 hacks in order to enable the link button.
EdB, thanks for releasing this
2 questions:
Can it's code be called via a JS link instead of being inline JS?
I also imagine that the buttons can be varied Y/N?