2 gcasanova Apr 20, 2008 16:00

One way to handle this is to put a very clear message in the "text if wrong" field.
For example long ago when this was a hack my question was "type bobo in the bobo box" followed by a text field with a label "bobo". If the person didn't follow that reasonably simple instruction they got an error message that said "YOU DIDN'T TYPE bobo IN THE BOBO BOX! Go back and try again".
I think you've found a major flaw though and yeah I can't think of a reliable way around it. Imagine looking all over for the captcha image and missing a simple text box that is empty...
hmmm... I suppose it might be possible to make it put "THE ANSWER GOES HERE" in the field they are supposed to put the answer into after they see the 'text if wrong' message.
gcasanova wrote:
Many of them, used to see Captchas everywhere, fail to see that there is a new kind of test and they simply don't comment and use the contact form to complain about the "comments form not working".
That's not a problem with the plugin but with some people's intelligence. And since the world is full of...
i wouldnt already want such people(!) wander in my site and comment unless my site was a leecher lair
Okay, just FYI for others who may run into the same thing (i.e. being stupid) LOL...
I put in my question.
I put what the answer is.
I labeled it "answer."
But when I would go to leave a comment/feedback (for testing purposes), the answer was already typed in the box! Of course, I thought I was doing something wrong... but turns out (duh!) it just fills it in for the admin... If I was not logged in (i.e. like a general user) the answer is not prepopulated.
I just wish it wouldn't have taken me 15 minutes to think that through. :p
That is actually a setting: who you give a "free pass" to.
"No one" means even The Admin will not get the answer auto-filled.
I forget what the next option is, but something like "Registered Members" means anyone registered and logged in (like for example you as the admin) will see the answer automagically filled in.
Finally (and default I think) is "Previous Commenters" which also includes registered members. This way once someone proves they are not a spam-bot they don't have to prove it over and over and over. Plus if you change your question and answer they'll get the new answer. By the way this actually depends on them checking the "Remember me" box because that is how the cookie gets dropped. No cookie means no credit for already knowing the answer.
EDIT: too many settings not logically grouped in that thing. Need to update it for that reason alone ... among others.
I think this plugin is MUCH better than the Captcha. It's even fun; you can put a question that is difficult or impossible to answer to those that you don't want to comment in your blog...
...it will be very difficult for fanatics of Chávez to write that, so they just will have to go away!
But there is a problem I've found with the people that are supposed to use the spam test. Many of them, used to see Captchas everywhere, fail to see that there is a new kind of test and they simply don't comment and use the contact form to complain about the "comments form not working".
That's not a problem with the plugin but with some people's intelligence. And since the world is full of... well you know, I suggest, in your next release you do something to make the plugin more visible.
I know you can do that with CSS, but it would be great if you could make it easier not having to play with CSS or files.
This is just a suggestion, I like the plugin very much.