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1 Jan 20, 2008 21:53    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

For non-programmers, skin-upgrades can be quite challenging :D So, will more skins be upgraded to the 2.x version? Currently, only 11 skins exist for the the most recent b2evo-version. I use Clean and London on my blogs. Thanks!

3 Jan 20, 2008 22:01

Looks nice, but I don't want to change the look of my blogs

4 Jan 20, 2008 23:05

I hear ya nomad! I have an installation with ~60 skins available to the bloggers, so for me to upgrade that installation means for me to upgrade ALL the skins the bloggers have chosen as theirs.

But it takes time! Time to learn the new skinning system. Time to sit down and - one by one - upgrade the skins. Time to make sure that the newest features are enabled and not just "it looks the same". Time to make sure that tricks for each skin aren't lost. Time to make sure it validates xhtml and css. Time to ensure that it looks pretty good in both Firefox and that POS browser most people use.

Time I personally don't have because I'm still on step one and really want to upgrade my plugins before I upgrade skins from days gone by. But we'll get there one day yah? Maybe when 2.stable comes out I'll start cranking out high quality replicas of all the skins that ever have been?

6 Jan 20, 2008 23:19

TO nomad

Let me know if you need help with upgrading your skin...

7 Jan 21, 2008 00:17

Thanks, sam2kb! I'll let you know.

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