2 edb Jan 21, 2008 01:12

Thanks, I guess from that reply that I do have to establish a non Adsense Site and refer to that when applying before I can get an Adsense ID.
OK, assuming I'm right there - once I've got that does the ID stay the same for any web site/domain name I set up?
Thanks again for replying, I joined this Forum because it appeared to be related to Adsense queries.
You sign up for Adsense. The Adsense ID is yours. It's not URL specific, it's "client" specific. They pay you (hopefully) , not your web site :)
You can take it out, put it back, move it your other site etc etc.
That's my experience anyhow
um... when I signed up for an adsense account they wanted to know the domain name it would be on and said that's where it belongs and so that's where it goes. Changes over time perhaps? I gave up on them quite a while ago.
johnreed the only thing that makes a web be a "non adsense site" is the lack of clutter that adsense provides, meaning you don't buy a domain name that is "capable of adsense" or one that is not. So grab the name you want, start playing with it, get your adsense code, and have fun!
Thanks fellas - I'll get started.
u just register on the site i think :S ?
The code they give you is associated to your domain name.
Moving to "chat" because this has is not a b2evolution issue.