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1 Jan 23, 2008 20:28    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

this error message has crashed my site:

Table 'evo_hitlog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired(Errno=1194)

how do i "repair" the table?

2 Jan 23, 2008 20:35

ok, never mind. i figured that one out.
next question: using the back office, how do i purge all hits from a given IP? or do i need to do that directly?

3 Jan 24, 2008 00:04

You can sort hits by IP then delete them one by one. If you use Firefox you can also use the "Snap Links" add-on to right click and drag over a bunch of links to open them in new tabs. I've used that to delete bunches of hits "at once", but if you've got a lot of hits to get rid of it's probably easier directly through the database.

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