2 afwas Jan 24, 2008 08:37

This is what I converted all the VideoPlugins to
Embeds the Break video and passes Strict Validation if you want that as well....
// Break:
$content = preg_replace( '¤\[video:break:(.+?)]¤', '<div class="videoblock"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:464px; height:392px;" data="http://embed.break.com/\\1"><param name="movie" value="http://embed.break.com/\\1" /></object></div>', $content );
Yeah I played with it a bit. Copied how others did it without embed, and figured so what ... and that probably someone else would know how to get 'er done.
You did see how I did the Metcafe thing without embed, I presume. Metcafe is down at the moment. They are being sold. Now my testblog doesn't show a movie. 8|