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1 Jan 26, 2008 21:20    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Is that an actual user? The Anonymous one? If it is I cannot find him anywhere in my users/ groups list, so how do I delete him? As this count just keeps getting higher and higher by the hr! :'(

2 Jan 26, 2008 21:25

They are your visitors. You don't want to delete them, do you? :P

3 Jan 26, 2008 21:32

Whew, thx for the heads up, had me a wee bit scared there for a bit thinking maybe someone was giving away their user name and pass to well you know...whore my blog... 8|

4 Feb 05, 2008 04:33

Question : In case of private blog (only accessible by password), why I have a anonymous visitors? Where they come from?? Like now, with Who's online plugin, it tells me we are 3 visitors : me, one user, and someone else (anonymous)...
Can someone could explain to me, please?

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