My b2evolution Version: 2.4.x
I just got the new version installed and I'm confused about the categories properties page in back office. It has a blank for URL name. Currently it has in there C2, C21, C19 and such for each category.
Those don't seem like URLs to me. What is supposed to be in there?
I tried putting but it rejected that. I tried putting C20, and it rejected that too.
I would like to be able to change or add categories, but don't know how to fill in the blank for this field.
The "category URL name" is a simple plain text field that will be part of your URL if you select URLs by category. I'm pretty sure if you have categories on your posts and they are linked then they will be linked using the "category URL name".
They need to be unique so that a category with a human name "sports" in 10 different blogs gets resolved to the correct category number. That's what you're seeing with "c12, c97, c1390041" - a unique value for that field.
I think you can't have spaces and I think I got cranked over it not letting me use dashes or underscores. Or something. It's almost like, to me, I might as well just use the stupid cNN format and forget about it but it wasn't my blog so I didn't worry too much on it.
Anyway there ya go!